Gwen Powers

by Michael Goldlist

Gwen Powers - poster

About the Show

Meet Gwen: she’s ferociously smart and uncompromisingly sexy. She is unbridled relentless energy, she never shuts up, and she won’t get out of her teacher’s apartment. She is a thousand years old – and 17. She’s hell-bent on testing the limits of her newfound power, and Jeff, her directionless man-child of a teacher, gives her ample material to work with. Gwen Powers is a painfully honest and darkly comic play about the power of youth and the false promise of experience.

Production History

Gwen Powers was presented by WORKhouse Theatre at the Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace in Toronto, Canada from March 22 to April 6, 2013. The production was directed by Zachary Florence and designed by Faline Park, with lighting design by Daniele Guevara and sound design by Nick Carney. Meredith Henry was the stage manager. The production starred Sofia Banzhaf, Jonah Hundert and Jan-Michael Weir.


Click here to listen to a podcast interview with Zachary and playwright Michael Goldlist about the production.